1.) Television. I don't have cable. The reasons for this are legion but basically boil down to the fact that I'm a cheapskate. That also may be why I don't have a girlfriend, but I'll save that for a future post. In lieu of cable television, I purchased a pair of rabit ears from the Radio Shack on the corner. (Having the Shack there has been far more convenient than I'd anticipated. In addition to the rabbit ears, I've purchased no less than two cords there in the past three months alone. Note to anyone I know getting married: expect a fifty dollar gift card.)
TV leaves me cold. It may be the fact that I get two of the three networks. This means that I can watch The Office and 30 Rock and the occasional NBA game. It also means that I'm exposed to Grey's Anatomy from time to time, which has a dire effect on my otherwise overwhelming manliness. Today, the NCAA tournament is on, and I undertook a maneuver to gerrymander the rabbit ears in such a way as to get CBS. This is the result:
It's pretty, I know. Alas, it didn't get me anything more than audio for the Big Game. Watching nausea-inducing blobs weren't the way to go, so I decided upon eating nausea-inducing eggs.
2.) Breakfast. All things considered, I romanticize breakfast. Its tastiness is beyond question; the chicken and the swine are to be lauded for their contributions to the first meal of the day. Thus, in a romantic fit, I went to Trader Joe's to buy a dozen eggs and some bacon. Upon arriving and finding the bacon too dear, I thought I'd use the ham and cheese I have in my fridge to whip up an omelet. Result:
It's pretty, I know. Yet, every time I make an omelet I realize just how cool I am to omelet-kind. I guess believe in the purity of an unbroken yolk. Even as I type this, it's having a hissy fit in my stomach. Shockingly, more coffee is not helping the situation.
I've never gotten over my apathy towards Sundays. When I was a kid, I really hated them, as they were the domain of church and homework and anticipating the evils of School. This lasted through college, although without the church factor. Now, I listen to co-workers rhapsodize about the pleasures of an easy like Sunday morning and I just can't relate. How does one remedy such malaise towards the Lord's day? Discuss.
Drink too many Bud Lights like we did yesterday.
some fellowship along with some higher learning usually does the trick for this weary soul. try craigslist.
also any eastern european bath houses in the area?
I like a walk in the park during this season, near a pond if possible. The malaise may not dissipate but the serenity eases the throbbing disappointment.
I also use the ears and al-oo-min-ee-um foil, but I drape it over the antennae in big sheets.
I should note that that afternoon I went to LA's answer to the Park and did something similar. 'Twas good.
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