Monday, October 17, 2005

Rock A Bowl

This is Diversey Rock 'n Bowl, or Diversey River Bowl; I'm not sure: it's got two names.

As a place to go for a good time, it's perfect. A night of bowling can break the drudgery of a night of drinking, while not losing the drinking part. And as a bowling alley, it's top notch: all molded plastic,

with built-in astrays and drink holders. There aren't any moddish leather couches and ten dollar Martini's, which seems to be current vogue. The black lights make your white shirts blue and your white teeth yellow.

The best of DRB is typified in this photo (which has been color enhanced. Enhanced!). The sign naturally reveals itself as you head west on Diversey, through clouds of Taxi Driver-esque sewer steam and over the river. A blue and red neon sign that blinks on and off:



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